Manage your marketing workflow like a pro with Dataddo

By Jan Indra | 3 min read

When the history of our time is going to be written, it might be very likely that one of the descriptions used of our society will be "if they didn't know something, they just googled it".

Truth be told, Google is not the only search engine. But it is by far the most used one, with more than 92% of the web search market share. Whenever we want to look up new information on virtually any subject, Google's there, and it might seem as if all available facts and data are just one click away.

But it might also be a lot more than just one click.

Even Google has limitations. And when you google something, initially you're only going to see the first 10 or so results the search engine has warped into your screen. If you`re the one searching then, there's multiple ways of how to tweak your query so you find the most relevant results as soon as possible.

And if you`re the one that needs to be searched, you probably need Google Ads.

The Google Ads platform was originally preceded by Google AdWords, first launched in 2000. Google initially set up and managed their clients' campaigns on its own, however, realizing that many advertisers wanted to manage their own campaigns themselves, the search engine started a campaign management service Jumpstart in 2005. In 2018, Google officially rebranded Google AdWords to Google Ads.

Google Ads contains a number of features allowing advertisers to tailor their campaigns and target their specific client base such as Keyword Planner, AdWords Express, Customer Match, Reach Planner, Smart Shopping Campaign and others. As a standalone tool, Google Ads is very versatile and streamlines the entire marketing campaign management process.

However, when it comes to looking back at conducted campaigns and evaluating their performance, the flexibility of Google Ads is somewhat limited. While the service is able to provide you with automatically generated reports summarizing the key ABC metric you intend to look at, each report targets only a specific aspect of the service (Campaigns report, Keywords report, Hours of Day report and so on).

While Google itself stresses the importance of linking your Google Ads data with your Google Analytics data, even providing a free “Linking analytics and ads“ guide, it does not provide further support into how to integrate your Google Ads data into your BI, CRM and other systems your company uses to generate a complex overview of your company performance. Fairly soon you then find yourself at a crossroads – you can try to put your data puzzle together yourself, most likely through developing your own data connectors with your own expensive IT staff...or you can use Dataddo.

Dataddo's own Google Ads connector is able to swiftly and frictionlessly send your Google Ads data into a plethora of systems your company might be using. Sending Google Ads data to Tableau or other BI platforms? Done. Combining your customer history data with insights from Google Ads in your CRM platform? Done again.

Dataddo also provides REST API for low-level implementation of your data with various other systems. That makes our connector ready for an onslaught of new technologies or applications, allowing you to further tweak your data ecosystem according to your current needs.

Marketing is one of the industries heavily benefitting from new data-driven approaches. While you can make prepositions and assumptions about your customer base, backing your insight with real data takes all your marketing efforts up a notch (if not two or three).

Integrating Google Ads data into your analytics ecosystem is then just the next step. We believe it definitely is one worth taking.


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Category: Product, tips-tricks
