Best Data Tools for 2024: Integration, Storage, Visualization and More

By Jack Zagorski | 3 min read

Going to a data tool vendor's website and figuring out what their unique selling points are—or sometimes what they even do—is often more of a challenge than it should be.

This is why, every year, we make "best of" lists for various categories of data tools, where we compare a handful of tools in each category across common criteria and give buying advice.

As experts in data management, it's part of our job to keep a current view of the landscape of data tool vendors. And it's our duty to help the public spend less time researching and evaluating tools, so they can spend more time actually working with data.

Below are all our lists for 2024, separated by category, with descriptions and links to each list. Click below to skip to a specific category.

  1. Best end-to-end data integration tools
  2. Best data integration tools by integration type
  3. Best data storage and business intelligence platforms
  4. Best data integration tool alternatives
  5. Best operational tools


Best End-to-End Data Integration Tools

These are comprehensive, all-in-one data integration tools that support all (or most) popular types of integration.


Best Data Integration Tools by Integration Type

These lists focus on tools that excel in a particular type of data integration, although many of the tools support multiple integration types.


Best Data Storage and Business Intelligence Platforms

Dataddo is a data integration tool vendor, so we know a lot about databases and BI tools!


Best Data Integration Tool Alternatives

There are loads of data integration tools on today's market. Here are some alternatives to two of the most popular.


Best Operational Tools

More lists coming soon!



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Category: Product, Tools, tips-tricks
