Data Fabric Architecture: No-Code Data Integration

By Petr Nemeth | 3 min read

The advent of the internet, social networks, real-time analytics tools and artificial intelligence are profoundly changing almost every business process towards being data-driven, fostering almost ‘scientific’ approaches to business management.

Indeed, this creates a considerable reliance not just on the data itself, but on the underlying data infrastructure as well. Since non-technical departments such as marketing or sales often tend to be primary drivers of this shift, the underlying infrastructure has to reflect the fact that it’s operators typically do not have a degree in computer science.

The Shift to Real-Time Data

Arguably the most crucial factor of changes in the modern business environment is the availability of real-time (or near real-time) data to make qualified business decisions.

Twenty years ago, it was pretty common to conduct research in the form of financial analyses, focus groups, questionnaires or marketing studies prior to each critical decision. The issue with these practices is that they were performed infrequently and on a small scale, therefore past experiences of business leaders and their ‘gut feelings’ were essential ingredients of the decision-making process.

With the advent of digital products, online customer-facing systems, and digital sales channels, there is a vast surplus of various analytics tools that can provide unprecedented insights. However, the adoption of these tools and services (mostly delivered as SaaS) was usually not driven by the overall IT strategy, but rather end-users creating what some call the phenomenon of shadow IT.

Shadow IT is a relatively new occurrence in the business world in which IT solutions are deployed by departments outside of IT to fulfill their needs without required technical knowledge. 

Since many services such as Salesforce, Zendesk or Google Analytics gradually grew into enterprise-grade softwares, organizations usually built siloed teams and capabilities on top of these systems.

Data Integration as the Centerpiece to Data Fabric

Adoption of data analytics within organizations naturally forces the centralization of analytics capabilities since the previously mentioned siloed architecture is rather expensive and creates frictions between internal teams and departments.

In support of this claim, renowned IT analytics and research firm, Gartner, identified data fabric as one of the critical data and analytics trends of 2019.

According to Gartner, “Data fabric enables frictionless access and sharing of data in a distributed data environment. It enables a single and consistent data management framework, which allows seamless data access and processing by design across otherwise siloed storage.”

With data coming from multiple web, social, sales, and customer platforms, data experts are often performing tedious and time-consuming tasks. So we developed the Dataddo integration platform to help our customers centralize all their analytics data into a single point; whether it is a dashboarding app, a data warehouse, or a cloud-based big data storage.

The Need for No-Code Platforms

With the proliferation of data analytics within organizations, we are seeing the increased requirements for non-technical employees (usually in marketing, product or sales) to deal with tasks previously dominated by people with a technical skill set, such as data-prep scripting, SQL, or data architecture.

Indeed, it is not uncommon that basic knowledge of coding and working knowledge of technology is often considered one of the must-have skills for marketers. However, marketers are not coders and vice versa.

Therefore, it is important to provide the non-technical staff with tools and platforms that allow them to perform complex operations, while still having a basic, non-technical interface. That's where no-code and low-code platforms come to the rescue allowing all staff to properly function without in-depth technical knowledge. 

How Can Dataddo Help?

Dataddo is a no-code data integration platform designed with the non-technical user in mind, making data management easier than ever. With just a few clicks, connect any data source to your desired destination, whether it be Google Data Studio, Power BI, Snowflake, or Google Drive

Sign up a for our free 14-day trial, with full platform functionality and a session with our on-boarding specialists. Your non-technical employees will thank you!


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Category: Industry Insights, data-strategy
